Monday, April 20, 2009

Full Day!

Dear Diary...wait....
Dear Blog,
So, let me explain first, because I really DIDN't have the worst day, but it was too much reality and not enough fun! : / haha. Oh, WAIT... I forgot...let me give the glory to God for helping me get through this day that isn't even over as I sit here typing this blog with un-finished homework in my lap. Ok, now...It all started with getting up early for the first time in almost TWO WEEKS! :( Second, I had many "grown-up" errands to do after school for hours, fit in a bite to eat, go two two community meetings and spoke at one to try to get support and donations for my trip to Argentina! THEN, it was already 8:00 PM and I still hadn't been home since 7AM that morning, when I had to leave early to bring candy to school to sell for profit towards my trip to Argentina with AFS. (Even though it keeps me busy, it is a blessing since it is a small, but constant income for my fund raising.) So as I think by 8PM I would like to get home, I forget I still haven't gone to Wal-mart to get envelopes (so Mom could help me address and send these-at least a hundred a week-letters to:
big businesses/corporations; law firms; accountants offices; dealerships; and town, county, district, and state representatives and council members who make a difference in our lives! :D
I was at Walmart getting a list of things that were needed for around the house, not letting me get home until after 9 PM! :o haha. Well, at least I'm alive, well, and lovin' life, even when extra busy! Thank God for keeping me safe, healthy, and happy!
Peace out for now & until later....bye
<3 Kayla Jane Stover

P.S. My thanks goes to.......I really will be able to "make" it through each day and the week as a whole, but only with God's help..for he is my strength! :) And also from the help and comfort of family and some friends! Thank you! ; )

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