Monday, April 20, 2009

Full Day!

Dear Diary...wait....
Dear Blog,
So, let me explain first, because I really DIDN't have the worst day, but it was too much reality and not enough fun! : / haha. Oh, WAIT... I forgot...let me give the glory to God for helping me get through this day that isn't even over as I sit here typing this blog with un-finished homework in my lap. Ok, now...It all started with getting up early for the first time in almost TWO WEEKS! :( Second, I had many "grown-up" errands to do after school for hours, fit in a bite to eat, go two two community meetings and spoke at one to try to get support and donations for my trip to Argentina! THEN, it was already 8:00 PM and I still hadn't been home since 7AM that morning, when I had to leave early to bring candy to school to sell for profit towards my trip to Argentina with AFS. (Even though it keeps me busy, it is a blessing since it is a small, but constant income for my fund raising.) So as I think by 8PM I would like to get home, I forget I still haven't gone to Wal-mart to get envelopes (so Mom could help me address and send these-at least a hundred a week-letters to:
big businesses/corporations; law firms; accountants offices; dealerships; and town, county, district, and state representatives and council members who make a difference in our lives! :D
I was at Walmart getting a list of things that were needed for around the house, not letting me get home until after 9 PM! :o haha. Well, at least I'm alive, well, and lovin' life, even when extra busy! Thank God for keeping me safe, healthy, and happy!
Peace out for now & until later....bye
<3 Kayla Jane Stover

P.S. My thanks goes to.......I really will be able to "make" it through each day and the week as a whole, but only with God's help..for he is my strength! :) And also from the help and comfort of family and some friends! Thank you! ; )

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

*Today~an inspiration...

Today has been pretty long, but TOTALLY worth every minute. I have had many really emotional thoughts, prayers, and conversations. I am learning to grow by each step I take, especially independently! :D Between my medical missions trip I just got back from in Haiti (which was a couple weeks ago and also a trip I raised money to go on), and my foreseen foreign exchange trip I am looking forward to taking to Argentina, all emotions and memories in the making are EVERYWHERE in my heart and head. I am learning to love and have compassion from a deep part of my soul I never knew I had. This love is based on the kindling fire that started about missions, trips worldwide, helping people in extremities, and expressing all the pictures and thoughts that came along with each memory! I am also learning how to let go and love from a part of my heart that is slightly broken again each day as my parents are separated and are finalizing the divorce. The bad memories created each day (between my parents and my brother and I) can take over my dreams, happy nature, excitement for life, and good old memories if I let them. I ask God each morning to help me deal with one day at a time, keeping positive throughout it. :) Please, as you read this blog....just pray for me, my family, my friends (here AND in 3rd world countries like Haiti), and my fund raising for this trip to Argentina. There is a ChipIN button on the right-hand side of the page if you would like to help me financially. Thanks sooo much! tToday, I loved being able to open up and talk with my heart, my mind, and with God as my guide. God bless!
~Kayla Stover <3

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Realizing how bad I TRULY want to go to Argentina!

Dearest Blog,
Today I started to feel the excitement of my trip set in. I realized that in less than a week, $1,500 is due as a payment towards my tuition. I AM determined to raise this money to fall of 2009! :) I have been selling candy in my school for about 2 weeks and have made at least $300 profit. I bet the employees at Sam's Club even know my name and what I'm there for. Well, at least I hope they know I'm not a total candy junkie and it's not all for me! : D Other than that, I am currently working on a letter being sent out to local clubs, town and county officials, sheriffs, and lawyers. I am trying to plead my case, getting as much support as I can. Friday, I am also selling half-and-half raffle tickets, trying to get $50 or so, little by little. Everyone, just wish me luck! :) I'll catch you guys up later! By the way, thanks for reading! byeee...