Sunday, December 27, 2009

(Dec.27) Can't Believe I Am So Close to the End

~I really have so much to catch up on here and once i get home and have time, i will take what i wrote in my paper journal and post the 'appropriate & unpersonal' stuff on here. ahha.
~Christmas was just a few days ago and it was amazing to be able to experience it here with the Morettis and all their family. I'm so grateful to feel so included in their lives for a short 5 months!
~But for NOW, I can't believe I am this close to the end of my stay here. I am so comfortable here and have made so many relationships rooting me to my second new culture here and I hate to think about leaving in 3 weeks :(
~Tomorrow I will be packing for my trip to Cordoba with my classmate Ago. I am excited to know another part of Argentina & can't wait to start the NEW YEAR of 2010 soon, but also kind of in shock that 2010 is the year I graduate & end high school and life living with my family. I have learned a lot about what I treasure back home, because of what the Argentinians have taught me and also what I've learned from being away from my old life in Granite Falls, NC, USA. (what people always say: you dont realize what you have until you don't have it anymore). And for that I know I am going to try my best to spend valuble time enjoying and being thankful for the family, friends, and God I have in my life, before I go off to college starting a whole new chapter in my life.
~Another thing I am so thankful for is for finding the real meaning of having God in my life. Its not the church you have or don't have, its knowing he is always there for you and waiting for you to depend on him and love him as much as he loves us. :D NEVER thought I would have such a wonderful, eye-opening experience that drew me so close to God, by just attending a SPANISH-speaking (of course) church in Argentina by myself. I found so many great people brought into my life, some for only 2 hours in one Sunday service, others who I sat with every Sunday, others who just solely greeted me at the door, and some who only came to share their missionary testimony for one service. People I will remember forever and always keep in my heart and in y prayers. <3
~So, that must be all for now, as I go off to Cordoba Tuesday, and am coming home to be with my loving, wonderful family (The Stovers) in 3 weeks~ :D
~love, Kayla Jane
CHAU! un beso & un abrazo (XO)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Wow its been FOREVER since I last blogged (I think Oct. 23), but for some reason all the sudden my time here is flying by. :( It was before Halloween since my last blog. Now Thanksgiving is over, and here comes Christmas. So many things are changing.

I think I may start going backwards in time sharing all my big experiences in the NEXT BLOGS. But for now, here are some random thoughts, status' on Facebook and emails from friends back home:
~Im enjoying my time here....learning more about myself, another culture, & relationships than anything else...spanish kicks my butt. But it also makes me very interested to maybe study it later in college.I'm also learning even from the difficult situations or disappointments ... a very difficult character building experience.

~ " I'm finding joy even when there is disappointing news, and learning to have patience and calmly discuss the outcome of the previous conversation."

~ I wanted to go see Iguazu Falls (Cataratas del Iguazu) and I had planned to go with some AFS students, but of course there were hidden costs. I’m thankful to even be here and very happy to say I have traveled to the South of Argentina with my family, experiencing some of the best sights of the Andes Mountains here! And now, I was invited by a friend & classmate to go to Cordoba with her...can't wait! :D

~My status on facebook one day in early November: lovin my reminicing time here... and also, writing blogs about my experiences here, working on a scholarship, reading my spanish/english bible (SOO cool. haha), and trying to edit my only 100 pics from the past month (out of 800 that were lost when my camera was stolen)... im realizing after some of the rough bumps in my experience here, I love what I'm learning every minute!!! :)

~ (an email from a Hailey):
kayla, i miss you! i have ms.harmon for english and there are all the usual honors english kids in there. it was the end of 1st nine weeks and we had a food day. i was talking to hannah and alyssa when they said something that reminded me of you. i realized that this was the first english class i havent had with you all 4 yrs of high school. I hope youre having fun and cant wait till youre coming home. Youre going to hate coming home from argentina because we’’re going to seem soo boring, I bet. Haha. So, where are you applying to college, have you sent in your applications yet?l 4 years of highschool! its crazy. i hope you're having fun and i can't wait till you come home. you're gonna hate argentina because we're going to seem so boring i bet. :) where are you applying to college? have you already sent in your applications?
(a response to her email):
hailey, aww. it was really good hearing from you! thanks for letting me know somebody was thinkin of me while ive been gone already for many months! :) ahha. so, glad you have english with everyone BUT me. :( ahah. cute that you remembered that we've always had it together though! true true. who do you know HASN'T taken english this they may have it with me next semester? mmmmh. food day, huh? sounds great, but not as good as the food here! :P i love it here, i mean im learning so much and making really good friends here at school. the people here are UNBELIEVABLE, well maybe not that great, but always soo friendly dont even know. first off, they always greet and say goodbye to EVERYONE with a kiss ;) good for the cute guys. ahha. and they know so much about english movies, songs, and lanuage (they know way more english than I know spanish, but its okay. aahha. I'm trying to learn. Gosh its HARD) for example the song: Hot N Cold by katy Perry. every boy and girl knows that song and TONS of USA hits play on the radio here.its soo cool, but i wish some of their music played on our radio. ill have to show you some songs when i get home. maybe one day when i get back and am not exhausted, we can hang out. for now...YOUTUBE: Daddy Yankee. hes HUGE Akon or better (for us). I'm going to his concert in December!
Anyways,soo true that im gonna hate coming home from argentina, but this is just one chapter in my life... in january i have to move on to the next chapter...the end of high school and then college! :D
I mean ,I DO miss not being in all the snr stuff, but i have a semester when i get home and ive had the BEST SNR YEAR EVER already! Better than what i dreamed. Ya its gonna be sad when we all go away to college next aug. wow, its soon. less than one year! its weird to think we all go FAR away cuz here, they go to college but live at home and stay friends with childhood friends until they get serious with someone and move in togehter or get married. Its different, not bad not good, just different. Thats what im learning about at lot here…my eyes are being opened and im falling in love with another culture other than my own. its really cool :)
Awww, but i did miss Halloween :(
Thats all until the next blog... :D
~Kayla Stover~

Friday, October 23, 2009

Really settling in and Now I only have 3 months! :0

1st-Us girls in a boliche! :) 2nd- Our family on a weekend pretty! 3rd- My classmates (friends) and I.
I'm settling in here, really learning a lot about myself, new relationships, myself & of course, Spanish! :) But now, i have to come back to reality and work a little on college stuff for when i get home :(
Right now, theres something called the Zonda wind..terrible for people with allergies or anybody! :0 I just put the house into a "lockdown" and closed every door and window, the shutters, and even the curtains (just to make sure)! haha
I plan to continue soaking in each and everything I learn from as I truly notice all the big differences in cultures about how families and friends interact.
The other day, Ago(a friend)'s mom, who is a teacher, asked me to come to English Institute she works in and speak about my experience here in Argentina compared to my life back home in the United States. I shared with them the culture shock I got when I first arrived. Now that I’m a little settled in, I only have a little more than 3 months left, and I just starting to really become part of the family, school, and culture here in Argentina. They English students interacted with me and asked everything about challenges for me, from the language to the school to the family.
I guess I will just have to write a little more next time, but today I'm trying to write a stupid essay for a University! :( ahah
nos vemos, chau!
Besos, Kayla

Monday, October 19, 2009

Learning a lot & loving it~Argentinians & Spanish

The first picture is of some classmates and I with our "new classmate" made out of a balloon and clothes they took up to give to the needy. haha The second picture is of my host sister and I with wine, one of the things, Mendoza is known for.


Every day is something new, especially learning new words in spanish every day. i still cant speak very much at all in spanish, but i understand a LOT more, so it's cool to see my own growth, little by little. Now, i know learning a language, is not as easy as just being immersed in the culture/language and immediately being able to understand and speak it...its takes me having to get up each day and decide and tell myself "im going to try today and learn something, even if its only a few words". haha. Some days, my head just hurts some days after trying to understand so much,but im applying for schools while im over here, which is hard to do when my parents are halfways across the world, but it has to be done.

I am so truly thankful for those in my life right now (classmates, family, friends...) who make a difference in my life each and every day...teaching me Spanish, being there for me to talk to, and giving me such a good, non-biased outlook on another culture with new people! The Argentinian people are so hospitible, welcoming, friendly, down-to-earth, and just plain fun! :)

This was my first week back after going on a trip with my family to the south of Argentina to visit many well known cities and beautiful sights like~ the mountains, lakes, snow, the ocean and MUCH more all in one, great trip. I will have to devote just one blog to my trip next time!

Chau, Besos, Kayla

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Branching out and Sharing my Experiences...

FUN, Fun, fun with my companeros! :)

Here are some pictures of me, my classmates, and their "senior" class flag at San Luis Gansaga School!
Today I woke up early to talk with my old Spanish 2 class and the teacher Mrs. Penley. I shared my experiences with her first Spanish 2 classes and then her Spanish 1 class. I used Skype, with a webcam, to talk to them about the culture shock I went through and all the different stages I am going through while learning to live in a different city, with a different family, in a different country, and in a whole new culture!
I spoke about the main differences between Argentina and the States, the similarities, and what do you like or dislike about them? First of all, there is a 6 o-clock tea time because without we would starve since dinner (cena) isn't until 10 PM! Also something that caught my attention was how even public movie stores had stolen (pirated) movies that hadn't even come out in theaters yet, in them. I explained everything about the differences in school, like the time, class change, how they can't pick their classes, the difficulty, the uniforms and much more. I also spoke about how here, all the students go to English Institutes after school to really learn conversational English (something I wish we had for Spanish in the States). I also talked about all the public transportation like Micros (busses).
The attitude here of many people is very warm or friendly, but yet they don't beat around the bush when they want to say something, even if it is blunt or mean. They are very nice and try to help you learn their language if you want to and don't judge you if you don't know it. Especially on the weekends, it is as if this city, this province, this country NEVER sleeps. Even little kids are up until 1 or 2AM at a bowling alley. And at 1 or 2AM there are still no teen or adult crowds, but definitely by 3AM or so, the place is usually jumping, whether it be a bowling alley, a restaurant, a boliche (night club), or a pub. Almost any place you can find relaxation and recreation, its usually open until about 6 or 7AM!
People ask me, would I recommend somebody else to go and visit? Or would I recommend them to at least travel out of the States? Why or Why not? Definitely! This is the best learning experience I have ever had. All at one time, I'm learning another culture, tolerance for other people, and the language. You have to adapt to the culture here and also learn enough to enrich your own way of life to take back with you to the United States! :D
As far as the food or the culture itself: There is bread at nearly every meal and lots of it!My favorite, asado (cooking meat (barbeque, pig, and cow) on the grill, and empanadas are very common here. The culture is very upbeat and lively most of the time, but they know when it is time to go home and eat almuerzo (14:00) and cena (22:00) with the family!
That's about all I can think of right now, so I'll be back soon! :)
Chau(bye), besos(kisses), Kayla Stover

Monday, September 28, 2009

Really grateful for such a great week!

First of al, this whole week at school was only made up of 3 days because we had Mon/Tues off. Even in those 3 "school"days, we didnt have to do much work and I learned a lot of spanish phrases. Then, on Friday we went to a Boliche (dance club) and danced all night till 5AM! :) The next morning we slept until 1PM and then Sat. night we went out for a burger and bowling at a place called Tork for 18 and older. We have off this week from school and then next week my family is taking a trip to the South of Argentina, first to a place called Bariloche, where it is much colder and very beautiful, as it is surrounded by the Andes Mountains that run along the border of Argentina and Chile. I am super stoked! But, this week I am trying to narrow down some colleges and start to look at applying for them and trying to find financial aid & scholarship information on each. Its ver difficult when your parents aren't around to ask any questions to. But, I'm taking each day as it comes.
Right NOW, im cheering on the Panthers as they go up against "America's Team" known as the Dallas Cowbows. I cant believe we even SOMETIMES get NFL American Football here in Argentina on ESPN! :) i love it! I just went and put on my Steve Smith Jersey! :P
I'm gonna go, so i can go cheer them on!
Chau... Besos, Kayla. Nos Vemos!
Bye.... kisses, Kayla. See you later!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i am living my ULTAMITE dream! :D

I truly enjoy having new experiences like this every day, but this is the ultamite dream! I have every chance to meet new people, experience a new culture and way of life, and learn a new language! I feel like God has given me this chance and I should use my time here to also share him and his love with new people, if the chance comes up.
I'm unsure of my plans or even my dreams for what I want after I leave here (Argentina), but I need some plan to keep me on my toes, busy and passionate about something new in my life. I love challenging myself to do new and sometimes the ultamite crazy things that always involve meeting and truly getting to know new people! currently I am trying to apply for colleges and I dont know what to study...maybe sociology or psychology or education..or maybe God can provide me with an answer of a career or major i want to study where i can put to use my gifts and talents and really be passionate about what i'm doing.
Lately, I've been very busy on the weekends and also during the week. My family (esp. my host sister) is always very upbeat and has many plans. I love it here. I really love my classmates and therefore enjoy school, and always love going out on the weekends with them and other friends here. As far as the family goes, they are a lot like my family (the Stovers) and homelife is like in the USA (and esp like my family was like before my parents split up)... very upbeat, outgoing, talkative, loud and fun! Dinner is always a big production, very long and very late, but great because we all talk a lot and catch up on how eachother's day has been going. (with the exception of me having a hard time speaking about any of that in spanish). ahhah. So, i really like it here and I'm learning a lot. I think a lot of it is because I have been trying to make time in my day for God (esp since I dont have my church family to help me stay on track) and he is truly blessing me and using my experiences to show himself in my life and the lives of those closest people around me.
I guess that's all for now, so I'll have to add another blog soon. This will hopefully be a great thing to look back on and read once im home :)


Monday, September 14, 2009

Kind of Getting Used to Life in Argentina

Yesterday (Sunday afternoon and night) AND tonight I got to watch NFL Football Americano! :) I feel like I'm right at home hangin out with my dad and brother watchin these games and I relly enjoy that but it makes me miss home a little more. Watched MY TEAM~the Carolina Panthers get stomped and I had to keep my head up for them because they were represting me, my hometown, and my country. Too bad they kinda made us all look bad yesterday. haha. There's always next Sunday! Today we went back to school...such a bummer. Last week was short and super easy...only 3 days long! :) So after what seemed like a long day (even though it was only from 8AM-1PM), I came home, ate a lot (like always here in Argentina...they always keep feeding you more and more. haha), and relaxed, I took a looong nap..almost 3 hours. And right when I woke up, Paula finished studing for her exam tomorrow, so we decided to go downtown for a "6 o clock tea time" and hopped on a bus. We walked around looking at some shops while I tried to figure out how to see how much everything costs me, trying to convert Pesos to American dollars. I'm still not used to knowing how much I should spend on something here...guess its better not to spend anything at all anyway. haha. Then, we went to McDonalds for some papas fritas! :) yum yum. Not much more is going on other than me still trying to learn Spanish and repeat phrases I do know every chance I get. I really am enjoying my time here with: mi familia, amigos, y collegio nueva!!! Thats all for now, God Bless, Kayla Jane

Monday, August 31, 2009

daily life & my 2nd day of school after a relaxing weekend

Daily life & My 2nd day of school after a relaxing weekend:
This weekend we went to a place with vineyards called San Rafaal abotu 2 hours the south of mendoza (state) with the morettis & paula invited one of her best friends! it was fun and SUCH nice weather for their winter...we layed outside in our bathing suits! ahha.
School today was good...once a week they have english class and today was the day..i actually UNDERSTOOD the teacher! :) ahha. but im learning little by little new words and sayings and how to say the alphabet in spanish...even IT is very different! : o I enjoy school because we have many breaks and i can hang out with the classmates and try to communicate between broken enlgish and very little spanish.(because they know more english then i know spanish)! ahaha.
the morettis are great....and everyone is so much fun to talk to and hang out with, kinda like my long-lost family. now, paula got home from dance class after school and we are going to a park near her house to walk and enjoy the sunshine!!! and then going to pick up a movie (which by the way are all pirated or stolen from the internet) its crazy...that doesnt happen in our public movie stores, but it DOES here! :o
so thats all for now. love ya! <3 Kayla Jane! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

I am here... I am finally in Argentina! :D

FUN traveling, but man were we bored for 13 hours in the Miami, FL airport! : (

The first picture is with Kathryn (also from NC, USA) in the Miami Airport. They gave us masks because of the swine flu outbreak in Argentina. We just enjoyed them for taking pictures! :)
The second picture was during th talent show in the AFS orientation. Each country had to do something, and we did the Big Mac Rap! :)haha
The first picture is Kathryn (a friend from Charlotte, NC, USA who is also an exchange in Argentina) and our moms the night before we left.

Bienvenido (welcome to Argentina)!

~Hola, i arrived yesterday at a bus station at 9Am or so and met my new familia from Argentina. I loove them so much. They remind me of my family back home because of their lively, happy, and comforting personalities! Without the help of them, i think i would feel a little lost. I am trying to just listen to everyone around me speak Spanish and become accquainted with it & learn new words in Spanish. For now, that is all i can take in ONE day. It seems like I have heard about as much spanish in one day as i have heard my entire life! :) ahha. but I DO love Mendoza and have truly enjoyed Buenos Aires that we saw on the tour of the city with AFS 2 days ago. I have to wait to go to school for a few days because they want to be cautious with things like the Swine Flu. Anyway, that meant sleeping in for my first day' 'home' and hanging out with Paula! :) As far as my first day here in Mendoza with my family and new friends, my family took me to a big park honoring san martin and then this walking place with a big monument representing san martin and his army that crossed the andes mountains to free Argentina, Peru and some other country. i forgot. then we went to their grandparents' hosuse for a sunday afternoon lunch and has asado and something that tasted like an enchilada and drove around the grandparents' neighborhood to see all the new and HUGE houses being built! :) but then i met Paula's freinds and then we went to a 45 min. mass church service in the downtown. we came home, chatted for a while. i finally skyped my parents for a few min and then it was off to bed. BUSY BUSY BUSY. I will be back soon to let you know about more that went on! Hasta Luego, adios!~

The second picture is of me and most of the other USA AFSers when we were in Buenos Aires, Argentina during the orientation.

The first picture is of my new family, the Morettis, and I the day I arrived in Mendoza, Argentina after a 13 hour bus ride that night.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Packing, Planning, Awaiting my Departure!

All is GREAT...i have my Visa, I am starting to pack, and I only have 4 days until I leave from Miami, headed for Buenos Aires, Argentina! I just got back from a AFS orientation welcoming the new students that are staying here in the USA Carolinas, of which many of them are in our county and only a couple minutes away, but too bad I wont be here to hang out until feb. Actually, I will be having fun of my own in Mendoza, Argentina! :D I am very excited to hug and kiss the Morettis hello for the first time. I have talked with them a lot and I think we will all get along very well and I will truly enjoy their company as my new family for 5 months who I know I will want to come back and visit some time! :) Ill be back soon to blog and the next time I do, it will probably be while I am in Argentina! :D ta ta for now! lol

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Finishing the Visa Process~HOPEFULLY!

Today my mom and I drove up to Washington D.C. to go to the Argentinian consulate tomorrow at 10:00 for an appointment to get my visa! We have all the papers together, so I pray I will walk out with my visa in my hands tomorrow! We are relaxing in the hotel right now and are going out for sightseeing a little tonight since we're here...we might as well since we drove a little over 6 hours to get here! :) I am soo syched, stoked, but nervous about leaving the country in less than 13 days! :0 wow have things flown by and so has this summer! :D I have a going away party this Saturday also that my friends are throwing for me! :) Im excited to see everyone I haven't seen since school was out but also sad its a goodbye for now right at the beginning of out SENIOR year! ; / I know it WILL be worth it to be going to Argentina for a semester and I will love it while I'm there, but currently I feel like im gonna miss out on a little of the fun my last year left here in Caldwell County! haha, corny I know! :D Hopefully they'll crop me in all the pics of group pics with the senior girls at fooball games and black out days at South Caldwell High! :) awww... ; ) well, Ill be back soon. Probably the next time i'm on I'll be in Argentina, so HERE I COME Morettis! :) gah, im so excited. The whole family has been soo welcoming as well have the friends of Paula who friend me on Facebook saying how excited they are about having me come there! :D Things are great! Talk to you soon!! Hasta luego.
~Kayla Jane~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

changed a little, but...

As I earlier, gave the link for the homepage of AFS, I said my article was on the homepage, but now it is a little hidden. It is still a Headline Story, but if you do not see the article (flashing) titled: SOUTH CALDWELL STUDENT READY FOR HER DREAM ADVENTURE, you can search the article in the search box in the top left-hand corner of the homepage.
As for interesting things, I have to turn in my tuition money ASAP! That goes for my visa as well~I need to apply ASAP! :)
I am now awaiting to hear back from my host family in Mendoza, Argentina. :) I am unsure of how much English they may or may not know. At first I hope they may know a few words, but I also know I truly want to challenge myself and really learn the language of 'Espanol' while in Argentina from July to January! :D
I have also recently been reading a book called Eva Peron...who was once the first lady of Argentina, but tragically lost her life to a battle of severe cancer. It is a sad, but inspiring story of her life, and it tells a lot about Argentina and its community and government and way of life. I enjoy and and wish to have LOTS more time to read about the country and learn the language better before I depart in July.
I have orientation with many other American students departing for a country this fall, as well as with many current foreign exchange students who are good friends of mine who are leaving the U.S.A. very soon : / I even took a friend from Germany, Dennis, to prom with me, hosted a sweet girl from Paraguay, Claudia, for a AFS ski weekend at my house, and try to hang out with a fun girl (who has a twin hosted in Charlotte) from Brazil, Gigi, that I will miss dearly at school and especially school lunches! : ( I love the life-long friends I have made and hope to have a reason to come back and see them one day! :D
P.S. SUPER excited about the departure date for Argentina creeping up on me! :)
~Kayla Stover~ (South Caldwell High student)

Monday, May 25, 2009

if being in two nespapers isnt enough... :o

I have been very humbled lately, as not only 2 newspapers have had enough interest in what I have been doing to fundraise my tuition to go to Argentina, but then... someone locally even posts me on the Front Hompage of the website as a cover child story! :) I am super blessed and I praise God for all that he has made possible for me! :) You can check out the story at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

beautiful places

I am excited about Argentina and here is only ONE reason why:
"Argentina has the most beautiful places in Argentina: the snow-capped mountains in San Carlos de Bariloche, the Atlantic Coast beaches, the Iguazú Falls, the Perito Moreno Glacier, the Quebrada de Humahuaca and a wide range of National Parks, all of them being regarded as some of the beauties that can be enjoyed while visiting Argentina!"
Hahha. I just think these will be cool sightseeing places to go. This will only be one part of my journey starting in July! :) be back soon...have some reading to go catch up on! bye..

Friday, May 15, 2009

AFS is in my reach! ...

Wow are things reallly coming along...I can barely restrict my excitement BECAUSE, last night I got an email titled: "You now have a host family". I screamed so loud I woke up my brother. :)whoops. ahha. My mom and I looked up the city I will be staying in and realized it is a capital of the state known as Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina. It is the biggest wine country for miles and one of the most beautiful cites in Argentina! My family has two kids, one boy about 20 and a girl about 18. The mother is Sandara and the father is Hugo.
I emailed them last night, some in English and some in Spanish. I said, "Hola, mi nombre es Kayla Stover. Soy su estudiante del anfitrión que viene en julio. ¡Soy muy emocionado permanecer con usted!" Translated, because I even had to use a little, it means: "Hi, my name is Kayla Stover. I am your host student coming in July. I am very excited to stay with you!" I said a few things in English too, and I hope they know a little so I can at least be gradualy introducted to the new language and culture! I can only hope for the best. :)
Soon, I will be sending in my things to recieve my visa and will be needing to pay my $8,900 tutition. I am still lacking about $800, but I am getting closer! It is all staring to sink in as the departure date gets closer... :o haha. Wish me luck because sooner or later, I will be living in Argentina, and you should DEFINITELY read my posts then...they will be much more interesting! :) Goodbye until then!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Things Moving Right Along! :)

Wow have things been busy lately! :) All has been well and fundraising is coming along! I still need about $1,000 more for just the tuition! Wish me luck, let me know if you can help, and ChipIn! Good news~I recently got the email saying I had "officially" been accepted into AFS Argentina! :D I am becoming super excited and am trying to fit in a little Spanish review along the way...hopefully more this summer. I am awating the news of recieving a host family and hope it will be soon! I super pumped to hear from my to-family for 6 months and try to talk and bond with them before I arrive on July28. I will be back soon, but that's all for now! Byee! ;)

Friday, May 1, 2009

ChipIn Button? haha

Today I am dropping off some more letters to buisnesses, hoping to have a miracle, and tonight I will be selling raffle tickets at my school's baseball game in hopes of raising a little under a hundred dollars also. Right now, I am trying to figure out how to use the ChipIn Button on my blog page...hopefully the donater will know how to use it :) This week has been pretty trying mentally and emotionaly. I hope I stay strong while trying to fight to raise the still needed minimum of $2,600. If anyone has any ideas or ways of helping, let me know, message me, or ChipIn! :) thanks...peace

Monday, April 20, 2009

Full Day!

Dear Diary...wait....
Dear Blog,
So, let me explain first, because I really DIDN't have the worst day, but it was too much reality and not enough fun! : / haha. Oh, WAIT... I forgot...let me give the glory to God for helping me get through this day that isn't even over as I sit here typing this blog with un-finished homework in my lap. Ok, now...It all started with getting up early for the first time in almost TWO WEEKS! :( Second, I had many "grown-up" errands to do after school for hours, fit in a bite to eat, go two two community meetings and spoke at one to try to get support and donations for my trip to Argentina! THEN, it was already 8:00 PM and I still hadn't been home since 7AM that morning, when I had to leave early to bring candy to school to sell for profit towards my trip to Argentina with AFS. (Even though it keeps me busy, it is a blessing since it is a small, but constant income for my fund raising.) So as I think by 8PM I would like to get home, I forget I still haven't gone to Wal-mart to get envelopes (so Mom could help me address and send these-at least a hundred a week-letters to:
big businesses/corporations; law firms; accountants offices; dealerships; and town, county, district, and state representatives and council members who make a difference in our lives! :D
I was at Walmart getting a list of things that were needed for around the house, not letting me get home until after 9 PM! :o haha. Well, at least I'm alive, well, and lovin' life, even when extra busy! Thank God for keeping me safe, healthy, and happy!
Peace out for now & until later....bye
<3 Kayla Jane Stover

P.S. My thanks goes to.......I really will be able to "make" it through each day and the week as a whole, but only with God's help..for he is my strength! :) And also from the help and comfort of family and some friends! Thank you! ; )

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

*Today~an inspiration...

Today has been pretty long, but TOTALLY worth every minute. I have had many really emotional thoughts, prayers, and conversations. I am learning to grow by each step I take, especially independently! :D Between my medical missions trip I just got back from in Haiti (which was a couple weeks ago and also a trip I raised money to go on), and my foreseen foreign exchange trip I am looking forward to taking to Argentina, all emotions and memories in the making are EVERYWHERE in my heart and head. I am learning to love and have compassion from a deep part of my soul I never knew I had. This love is based on the kindling fire that started about missions, trips worldwide, helping people in extremities, and expressing all the pictures and thoughts that came along with each memory! I am also learning how to let go and love from a part of my heart that is slightly broken again each day as my parents are separated and are finalizing the divorce. The bad memories created each day (between my parents and my brother and I) can take over my dreams, happy nature, excitement for life, and good old memories if I let them. I ask God each morning to help me deal with one day at a time, keeping positive throughout it. :) Please, as you read this blog....just pray for me, my family, my friends (here AND in 3rd world countries like Haiti), and my fund raising for this trip to Argentina. There is a ChipIN button on the right-hand side of the page if you would like to help me financially. Thanks sooo much! tToday, I loved being able to open up and talk with my heart, my mind, and with God as my guide. God bless!
~Kayla Stover <3

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Realizing how bad I TRULY want to go to Argentina!

Dearest Blog,
Today I started to feel the excitement of my trip set in. I realized that in less than a week, $1,500 is due as a payment towards my tuition. I AM determined to raise this money to fall of 2009! :) I have been selling candy in my school for about 2 weeks and have made at least $300 profit. I bet the employees at Sam's Club even know my name and what I'm there for. Well, at least I hope they know I'm not a total candy junkie and it's not all for me! : D Other than that, I am currently working on a letter being sent out to local clubs, town and county officials, sheriffs, and lawyers. I am trying to plead my case, getting as much support as I can. Friday, I am also selling half-and-half raffle tickets, trying to get $50 or so, little by little. Everyone, just wish me luck! :) I'll catch you guys up later! By the way, thanks for reading! byeee...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

working towards the goaline! :D

I have been working on the plans to raise all the money and am now starting to. I am selling candy bars at my school and also selling raffle tickets at the baseball games. I already had two friends (Mary and Dennis) go to the games to me. People all over are volunteering to help....its GREAT! :) I am very busy, continually planning fundraisers, and ALWAYS tired. : / But I know I will NOT regret being able to raise the money and actually go to Argentina! :) So, that's all I have time for, now. Bye... :D

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

*Things coming along...

I have been talking with my mom and my dad lately about the whole trip. Things like raising money, going to orientations, and other topics have come up. Sometimes it makes my mom very sad and upset that I will be gone for a semester of my last year at home before college and I have to comfort her. But even besides that, I am very excited and open-minded about the whole experience! :) I have been reading a lot about Argentina lately and have learned about a lot of their culture, including sports, food, and life. As for my dad, I think he is pretty excited for my opportunity, as is my mom, but he is not sharing with me of how much he will miss me just yet! haha. My bother can't believe "I get to go to another country that is not near our house and somewhere they cannot come to visit me", as he put it. :) I think he doesn't understand the whole outlook of how big and long the experience will be, but I DO know he wants me to send him a few postcards. I told him, I'd love to. :D
As far as friends and relatives go, they are very supportive and suprised I am following through with spending an entire semester in Argentina, but NOT suprised I, of all people chose to take this exciting opportunity! :) It is pretty neat to hear of many people who have been through the AFS program when even, they were young and want to help me make MY dream come true.
God is blessing me in so many ways. He is putting my anxiety about raising $4,000 out of my head and teaching me to let him lead me and to trust him. Things are going great!!!
So, that's all for now, byeee! :D

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some things work themselves out! : )

Yesterday was was GREAT. It all started out as I checked my e-mail yesterday, finding out I had received the Global Leaders Scholarship!!! :D I felt so blessed to have this option for me to be an exchange student next school year, fall semester. I almost exploded with joy and thankfulness from God and whoever donates money used for scholarships for AFS. I have faith that I can raise the remaining price I have to pay to go. My parents, friends, and other adults are willing to work with me, help think of ideas for raising money, put in their own time and energy volunteering to help me raise this money. I am so excited and cannot wait until the day I hope to depart from the USA, even though I love living here. :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Life is AMAZING! :D

Today is going GREAT. I have talked to so many exchange students since two weekends ago when there was an AFS weekend in my area. I housed a girl named Claudia, from Paraguay and she taught me sooo much. I have a love for new adventures and for challenges. I have a new fire for this path I am trying to follow in a new chapter of my life! :) I want to thank God for giving me the strength and wisdom every day to persue this new chapter! I also want to thank my parents who accepted the quick decison I made to persue this for myself, so well and support me 100%. They are so helpful, and excited for me all at the same time. I am trying not to worry, but if I don't find a large amount of help somewhere very soon, this trip will be near impossible. I am trying to read into all aspects of options for raising the remaining cost of the trip and am signed up for the AFS Fundraising Workshop (WEBINAR) for Wednesday, Feb. 18~ I am excited to hear they offer these types of confrences to help US! :) So, also thanks to AFS~
I will keep in touch, but to those of you who read this and wonder~just pray for me and message/comment me if you'd like...I'd love to hear from anyone! :)

Kayla Stover