~I really have so much to catch up on here and once i get home and have time, i will take what i wrote in my paper journal and post the 'appropriate & unpersonal' stuff on here. ahha.
~Christmas was just a few days ago and it was amazing to be able to experience it here with the Morettis and all their family. I'm so grateful to feel so included in their lives for a short 5 months!
~But for NOW, I can't believe I am this close to the end of my stay here. I am so comfortable here and have made so many relationships rooting me to my second new culture here and I hate to think about leaving in 3 weeks :(
~Tomorrow I will be packing for my trip to Cordoba with my classmate Ago. I am excited to know another part of Argentina & can't wait to start the NEW YEAR of 2010 soon, but also kind of in shock that 2010 is the year I graduate & end high school and life living with my family. I have learned a lot about what I treasure back home, because of what the Argentinians have taught me and also what I've learned from being away from my old life in Granite Falls, NC, USA. (what people always say: you dont realize what you have until you don't have it anymore). And for that I know I am going to try my best to spend valuble time enjoying and being thankful for the family, friends, and God I have in my life, before I go off to college starting a whole new chapter in my life.
~Another thing I am so thankful for is for finding the real meaning of having God in my life. Its not the church you have or don't have, its knowing he is always there for you and waiting for you to depend on him and love him as much as he loves us. :D NEVER thought I would have such a wonderful, eye-opening experience that drew me so close to God, by just attending a SPANISH-speaking (of course) church in Argentina by myself. I found so many great people brought into my life, some for only 2 hours in one Sunday service, others who I sat with every Sunday, others who just solely greeted me at the door, and some who only came to share their missionary testimony for one service. People I will remember forever and always keep in my heart and in y prayers. <3
~So, that must be all for now, as I go off to Cordoba Tuesday, and am coming home to be with my loving, wonderful family (The Stovers) in 3 weeks~ :D
~love, Kayla Jane
CHAU! un beso & un abrazo (XO)