Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Branching out and Sharing my Experiences...

FUN, Fun, fun with my companeros! :)

Here are some pictures of me, my classmates, and their "senior" class flag at San Luis Gansaga School!
Today I woke up early to talk with my old Spanish 2 class and the teacher Mrs. Penley. I shared my experiences with her first Spanish 2 classes and then her Spanish 1 class. I used Skype, with a webcam, to talk to them about the culture shock I went through and all the different stages I am going through while learning to live in a different city, with a different family, in a different country, and in a whole new culture!
I spoke about the main differences between Argentina and the States, the similarities, and what do you like or dislike about them? First of all, there is a 6 o-clock tea time because without we would starve since dinner (cena) isn't until 10 PM! Also something that caught my attention was how even public movie stores had stolen (pirated) movies that hadn't even come out in theaters yet, in them. I explained everything about the differences in school, like the time, class change, how they can't pick their classes, the difficulty, the uniforms and much more. I also spoke about how here, all the students go to English Institutes after school to really learn conversational English (something I wish we had for Spanish in the States). I also talked about all the public transportation like Micros (busses).
The attitude here of many people is very warm or friendly, but yet they don't beat around the bush when they want to say something, even if it is blunt or mean. They are very nice and try to help you learn their language if you want to and don't judge you if you don't know it. Especially on the weekends, it is as if this city, this province, this country NEVER sleeps. Even little kids are up until 1 or 2AM at a bowling alley. And at 1 or 2AM there are still no teen or adult crowds, but definitely by 3AM or so, the place is usually jumping, whether it be a bowling alley, a restaurant, a boliche (night club), or a pub. Almost any place you can find relaxation and recreation, its usually open until about 6 or 7AM!
People ask me, would I recommend somebody else to go and visit? Or would I recommend them to at least travel out of the States? Why or Why not? Definitely! This is the best learning experience I have ever had. All at one time, I'm learning another culture, tolerance for other people, and the language. You have to adapt to the culture here and also learn enough to enrich your own way of life to take back with you to the United States! :D
As far as the food or the culture itself: There is bread at nearly every meal and lots of it!My favorite, asado (cooking meat (barbeque, pig, and cow) on the grill, and empanadas are very common here. The culture is very upbeat and lively most of the time, but they know when it is time to go home and eat almuerzo (14:00) and cena (22:00) with the family!
That's about all I can think of right now, so I'll be back soon! :)
Chau(bye), besos(kisses), Kayla Stover

Monday, September 28, 2009

Really grateful for such a great week!

First of al, this whole week at school was only made up of 3 days because we had Mon/Tues off. Even in those 3 "school"days, we didnt have to do much work and I learned a lot of spanish phrases. Then, on Friday we went to a Boliche (dance club) and danced all night till 5AM! :) The next morning we slept until 1PM and then Sat. night we went out for a burger and bowling at a place called Tork for 18 and older. We have off this week from school and then next week my family is taking a trip to the South of Argentina, first to a place called Bariloche, where it is much colder and very beautiful, as it is surrounded by the Andes Mountains that run along the border of Argentina and Chile. I am super stoked! But, this week I am trying to narrow down some colleges and start to look at applying for them and trying to find financial aid & scholarship information on each. Its ver difficult when your parents aren't around to ask any questions to. But, I'm taking each day as it comes.
Right NOW, im cheering on the Panthers as they go up against "America's Team" known as the Dallas Cowbows. I cant believe we even SOMETIMES get NFL American Football here in Argentina on ESPN! :) i love it! I just went and put on my Steve Smith Jersey! :P
I'm gonna go, so i can go cheer them on!
Chau... Besos, Kayla. Nos Vemos!
Bye.... kisses, Kayla. See you later!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i am living my ULTAMITE dream! :D

I truly enjoy having new experiences like this every day, but this is the ultamite dream! I have every chance to meet new people, experience a new culture and way of life, and learn a new language! I feel like God has given me this chance and I should use my time here to also share him and his love with new people, if the chance comes up.
I'm unsure of my plans or even my dreams for what I want after I leave here (Argentina), but I need some plan to keep me on my toes, busy and passionate about something new in my life. I love challenging myself to do new and sometimes the ultamite crazy things that always involve meeting and truly getting to know new people! currently I am trying to apply for colleges and I dont know what to study...maybe sociology or psychology or education..or maybe God can provide me with an answer of a career or major i want to study where i can put to use my gifts and talents and really be passionate about what i'm doing.
Lately, I've been very busy on the weekends and also during the week. My family (esp. my host sister) is always very upbeat and has many plans. I love it here. I really love my classmates and therefore enjoy school, and always love going out on the weekends with them and other friends here. As far as the family goes, they are a lot like my family (the Stovers) and homelife is like in the USA (and esp like my family was like before my parents split up)... very upbeat, outgoing, talkative, loud and fun! Dinner is always a big production, very long and very late, but great because we all talk a lot and catch up on how eachother's day has been going. (with the exception of me having a hard time speaking about any of that in spanish). ahhah. So, i really like it here and I'm learning a lot. I think a lot of it is because I have been trying to make time in my day for God (esp since I dont have my church family to help me stay on track) and he is truly blessing me and using my experiences to show himself in my life and the lives of those closest people around me.
I guess that's all for now, so I'll have to add another blog soon. This will hopefully be a great thing to look back on and read once im home :)


Monday, September 14, 2009

Kind of Getting Used to Life in Argentina

Yesterday (Sunday afternoon and night) AND tonight I got to watch NFL Football Americano! :) I feel like I'm right at home hangin out with my dad and brother watchin these games and I relly enjoy that but it makes me miss home a little more. Watched MY TEAM~the Carolina Panthers get stomped and I had to keep my head up for them because they were represting me, my hometown, and my country. Too bad they kinda made us all look bad yesterday. haha. There's always next Sunday! Today we went back to school...such a bummer. Last week was short and super easy...only 3 days long! :) So after what seemed like a long day (even though it was only from 8AM-1PM), I came home, ate a lot (like always here in Argentina...they always keep feeding you more and more. haha), and relaxed, I took a looong nap..almost 3 hours. And right when I woke up, Paula finished studing for her exam tomorrow, so we decided to go downtown for a "6 o clock tea time" and hopped on a bus. We walked around looking at some shops while I tried to figure out how to see how much everything costs me, trying to convert Pesos to American dollars. I'm still not used to knowing how much I should spend on something here...guess its better not to spend anything at all anyway. haha. Then, we went to McDonalds for some papas fritas! :) yum yum. Not much more is going on other than me still trying to learn Spanish and repeat phrases I do know every chance I get. I really am enjoying my time here with: mi familia, amigos, y collegio nueva!!! Thats all for now, God Bless, Kayla Jane